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Alexis Korotasz, B.S.
Ph.D Candidate

Contact Information



B.S. Aquatic and Marine Biology, Stetson University, 2017


My dissertation research broadly focuses on understanding how community level factors affect the transmission and persistence of the fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Previous research focused on ecotoxicology and biogeochemistry studies pertaining to radioactive and heavy metal contaminants.



Xu, X., E. Peck, DE Fletcher, A. Korotasz, J. Perry. 2020. Limitations of applying diffusive gradients in thin films to predict bioavailability of metal mixtures in aquatic systems with unstable water chemistries. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39(12):2485-2495.


Leaphart, J.C., A.M. Korotasz, A.L. Bryan, and J.C. Beasley. 2020. Environmental fate of radiocesium in biota inhabiting a contaminated ecosystem on the US Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 222:106321.


Fulghum, C.M., E. DiBona, J.C. Leaphart, A.M. Korotasz, J. Beasley, and A.L. Bryan. 2019. Radiocesium (137Cs) accumulation by fish within a legacy reactor cooling canal system on the Savannah River Site. Environment International 126:216-221.


Xu, X., A. L. Bryan, G. Mills, and A. M. Korotasz. 2019. Mercury speciation, Bioavailability, and Biomagnification in Contaminated Streams on the Savannah River Site (SC, USA). Science of the Total Environment 668:261-270.

Xu, X. G. Mills, A. Lindell, E. Peck, A. M. Korotasz, E. Burgess. 2019. The performance of a free surface and metal-removing constructed wetland: How a young wetland becomes mature. Ecological Engineering 133:32-38.


Haskins, D.L., A.M. Korotasz, and A.L. Bryan. 2019. Mercury accumulation in the two-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma means) and the lesser siren (Siren intermedia): Validating non-lethal sampling methods in southeastern aquatic salamanders. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 77(3):330-335.

Korotasz, A. M. and A. L. Bryan. 2018. Accumulation of 137Cs in carnivorous aquatic macrophytes (Utricularia spp.) on the Savannah River Site. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75:273-277.


University of Notre Dame Dean’s Fellowship (2019 - present)

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